Players and club officials are insured through the VAFA’s insurance provider, Marsh.


  • In 2024, the VAFA has upgraded their player insurance with Marsh to Gold level – up from Bronze: this covers:

Non-Medicare expenses only

The types of costs covered include physio, chiro, dental, ambulance transport and private hospital accommodation

Doctor fees, surgeon fees, anaesthetist fees, x-rays, MRI

90% reimbursement, up to $3,500 max. per claim

$50 excess per claim

Death & other Capital Benefits

Capital Benefit maximum $200,000

Quadriplegia/Paraplegia maximum $1,000,000

Loss of Income Cover

Not applicable

OCGAFC recommends that any player undertaking a claim with Marsh contacts Marsh directly to discuss the circumstances around the injury and the claim itself.

If a player has private health insurance, it will generally cover the gap after a claim has been made under your private health insurance policy. The club strongly encourages all players and officials to take out private health insurance and ambulance cover in addition to this policy. Often players are covered under their parents’ private health insurance policy, check with your parents to see if this applies.

Claim process

If a player wishes to make a claim, Marsh’s advice is to fill out the claim form and submit it ASAP (or within 270 days from the injury date). Players should keep all receipts as they incur costs throughout their rehab, these can be progressively submitted to Marsh (doesn’t need to be done at the first submission). Note, where possible, a player should claim on private health insurance first and send their Statement of Payment in when possible.

A $50 excess per claim is applicable.

When filling out the form:

  • A club representative will need to sign the claim form and provide the player’s VAFA registration number (there's a box in Section B for it)
  • Tick “no” at Section C
  • The player’s physician will need to fill out Section D

Additional information and advice

The club can provide further advice and assist in filling out the claim form. Please contact Charlie Urwin  (Men) on 0401 414 274 or Emma Vogel (Women) on 0400 022 984 (or via

Head to the Marsh website for further information and the claim form ( or to contact Marsh directly (